Making the Most of What Matters Most

“How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and, keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to know what really matters most.” — Stephen Covey, author and speaker

Seems like almost every business or organization has spent some time determining their core values. It makes sense for any individual or group to focus on their main purpose, their reason for being, their non-negotiables.

I've been thinking about and speaking lately on the core values of Christ. I've been pondering and probing the character and teachings of Jesus as we meet him in the Gospels and asking the same basic questions: What mattered most to him? What did he consider his main purpose and mission to be? What values was he never willing to compromise?

And don't you suppose that whatever really mattered to Jesus ought to be of supreme importance to the Church that bears his name? Is there a significant gap between his values and ours?

Our church's website does not list our core values for two reasons. First, I don't know what they are, since we have yet to really clarify them. And second, I refuse to publicly list any core values unless they truly represent the way we actually live and minister and serve. God forbid that we be guilty of false advertising.

Maybe you can help me out here. What do you think really mattered to Jesus? What would you put on a list of Christ's core values?


Matthew said…
I love Covey's wisdom, the 7 Habits was one of the best books ever.

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