
Showing posts from 2011

A Christmas Toast . . .

In a One Horse Open Sleigh

My "Immanuel" Moments

Practicing My Thanksgiving Scales

Being a Force of Nature

"It Ain't for Sissies"

One Step Forward

Do It Anyway

Better Dress for Success

What's a Pastor To Do?

Unwrapping Grace

Almost a Fatality on the Fourth

Bob Goldsmith: Tribute to a Tail Gunner

Only One Thing That Counted

My Daily Prayer

Baccalaureate 2011: "Wings or Worms?"

An Easter Prayer for a Very Special Lady

An Old Prayer for a New Day

Too Little Joy

A Promise Is a Promise

"The King Does Come" - Frederick Buechner

A Little Bit of Life on the Farm

The Stethoscope

A Little Book that Continues to Burn

Memories of Snowballs Past

Life in the Emergency Room

A Cold Winter's Night

What's That Racket in the Basement?